Special no profit rates

We try to carry out work for Christian organisations and care charities at reduced cost while still maintaining quality and safe working with insurance cover and risk assessments etc. The minimum we can do this for is a £8 hourly rate – a breakdown of how we arrive at this figure is given below.

Listed below are the average weekly costs of maintaining the facility to operate and be able to carry out any work at all.

Insurances — £30 per Week

Hire of equipment — £10 per week

Calibration of test equipment — £6 per week

Rates, heating and electric etc — £90 per week

Average cost of consumables and tool w & t. — £30

Total of above  = £166

Average hours per week actually on tools = 20 @ £8 per hour = £160

This does not take into account travel costs which are charged at an extra 50p per mile.

In some cases we may need to ask for an advance or interim payment to cover material cost which will be supplied at trade prices where possible.

At times work at these rates does also have to fit round work for customers paying commercial rates.